Tuesday, June 15, 2010

8 Miles in Lansing and East Lansing, MI

I did not post for so long, and so now no one is even reading anymore. This is all going according to my plan. Now I can finally release all of the cool tracks and adventures I saved from my trip to the west coast...all for you (me), the only reader I have left.

Also, I realized that the track distances may be somewhat inaccurate. I am not sure that successive GPS sampling points are interpolating the distance. It thinks the scatter, or "noise" is real running distance. I will investigate, see if I can tweak the MyTracks settings, and get back to you.

Run Date: June 2, 2010
Run Time: Evening

This running route is a classic. It has many segments that I know and love and run all the time. And by "love" I mean I am "sick of them" because I run them so much. Somehow, though, once I get going they are peaceful. One of the reasons is the fact that long tracks go along the river on MSU's campus. In the summertime, there is a special sight along this way. It's the set for the Summer Circle Theater, put on each June at MSU next to the river.

I haven't been to a show since 2007, so I really hope to go this year. It's a nice time.

View 06-02-2010 in a larger map

The location of the Summer Circle Theater is denoted by one of the markers (As usual, if you click on the marker, the associated picture pops up).

As this was a very humid evening, my sweat didn't seem to be cooling me off much. I became really really thirsty about halfway through the run. I knew that Owen hall was on my way. It had just been newly renovated. As you walk in the lobby, you see beautiful interior decorating, as well as thoughtful uses of space for entertainment, internet access, and dining. Surely there should be an easily accessible drinking fountain next to their bathrooms. And of course there was. I had to search for a while, but I finally found it.

Silly me, I didn't look in the bathroom itself until the last moment, when I became desperate.

Here is my Owen adventure, in all its georunning glory:

View 06-02-2010 in a larger map

At least it was some delicious water. But what water isn't delicious when you're tired, hot, and thirsty?

Total Distance: 13.10 km (8.1 mi)
Total Time: 1:17:00
Moving Time: 1:14:24
Average Pace: 5.88 min/km (9.5 min/mi)
Average Moving Pace: 5.68 min/km (9.1 min/mi)
Min Pace: 4.44 min/km (7.2 min/mi)
Min Elevation: 201 m (659 ft)
Max Elevation: 236 m (773 ft)
Elevation Gain: 279 m (916 ft)
Max Grade: -3 %
Min Grade: -6 %
Recorded: Tue Jun 01 20:58:42 EDT 2010
Activity type: street running

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