Thursday, February 25, 2010

Six Miles in Golden Gate Park, San Francisco, CA

"That's John F. Kennedy Drive."
"Who the hell is John F. Kennedy?"

Run Date: February 25, 2010
Run Time: Afternoon
Run Weather: Sunny, 55 degrees.
Distance: 6 Miles
Pace: Easy

I took my first run in San Francisco, CA today, and it was a blast. I am not sure if it was the weather or the fact that I hadn't run for a week, but I felt terrific. At the beginning, I was a little nervous about running even an easy 6 miles after it had been so long, but I was fine. The challenging hills of San Francisco were still no match for me.

It turns out that Golden Gate Park is amazing. It also turns out that the coast of San Francisco is amazing. Why didn't anyone ever inform me of this? It is as though my life has been one great big lie until this point in time, now having seen the beautiful sight I saw upon emerging from the wooded park to the ocean and towering hills.

These photos, taken on my phone really don't do justice, it is sad to say. However, imagine you are me. Imagine you think the SF coast is a big flat beach just like so many other beaches you've been to (I'm talking to you, Florida!). You are in the woods, but you can sort of see the water poking through. Eventually, the trees fall all the way back so that you can see the entire coast, and you are slapped in the chest by huge hills lining the coast. Straight in front of you is that sandy beach you knew, but northward is a national coastline. I almost cried. It was weird.

Please excuse the technical difficulties. The map markers aren't linking to the photos, but they are below.

View 2-25-2010 in a larger map

I grew up on the prarie, but I had to come to California to see bison. Have I seen bison before this? Maybe from the highway....


  1. I'm pretty sure I have informed you many times about the coast where I grew up. That section of California is beautiful. It is even prettier further north.

  2. PS: if you liked that then you need to visit Big Sur, and also the redwood forests.
